Barbara Henning's DigigramReviewed by Carla Scarano D'Antonio
Barbara Henning’s experimental new collection takes inspiration from Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, the Dada Baroness, who combined poetry with art, and from her own journals and poetic materials. Henning describes her everyday life in sketches and snapshots from the end of February 2016 until the end of April 2018. This spans a significant part of the period when Trump started his electoral campaign for the American presidency, his victory and the aftermath. In an afterword note, Henning names the poems, or prose poems, ‘ecliptic digital messages’ or ‘digigrams’. They are telegrams of sorts in which the phrases or lines are punctuated by em dashes in a fragmented continuum that focuses on the information between the dashes. In the poems, the em dash creates a break depicting the impressions of the day and, at the same time, connects the weather, the places the poet visits, the political situation, and occasional encounters and ordinariness, as in ‘Flip It’: