What If MaybeBy Salma Hussain
What if maybe
we are only here to pluck every single luscious sun-kissed full-flavoured r a s p b e r r y off its torus and plop p l o p p i t y plop into our luscious sun-kissed full lips every single day of every single summer we are here? What I am asking is what if maybe we are only here to hunger for that which we love our tongues tingling tart with want under sun-dappled skies The Light on the Porch Does Not Flickerby Salma Hussain
I turned the porchlight on for you the road left behind you is always there to return to when the morning feels dark and mocking and cruel know that the porchlight is on for you Baji there are dragons between us raging tsunamis too ice pellets shower from the sky but that porchlight it was lit in the deepest part of my heart and that light stays on for you The Value of ZeroBy Salma Hussain
math was not math until
the Greeks saw the value in how the Arabs used zero they needed zero for calculating prayer times for weighing za’ka:t dues for shirking interest but also they were counting stars mapping patterns in the light beyond their grasp an inquiry they called ilm-el-Falak the science of Falak Like me, they, too, were counting praying pining to find the logic behind the devastating magic
of formation
Three CardinalsBy Salma Hussain
It is the morning of the follow-up the MRI is going to bewitch us with a tale – maybe the tumor is blooming its tendrils have been spreading seeking metastasizing in its yearning for glucose oxygen cortisol Or maybe there’s another story the one that science has yet to elucidate that there’s been a radical remission a joyous wilting an unexplainable miracle they will call us right away if there’s bad news and if they don’t call right away, then silence = good news I know how this part of the story goes the part I don’t understand is what happens tomorrow One breath then the next and the next In the waiting room three red cardinals come perch on the sill At this time of the year this incident is highly unusual it is mating season and they should be in pairs this event is against the odds a deviation an anomaly an extreme value in a data set The birds peck and poke in their hunger their beaks searching yearning fumbling Is it not both thrilling and terrifying that even among the outliers the dance for a morsel for joy is ubiquitous and relentless II From watching the three cardinals outside my window I now know that whichever tale the MRI spins tomorrow three proofs are irrefutably true – ١
that if living is to be done, it’s mountain by mountain and sometimes step by step and that there are moments that are breath by breath too ٢ That if there’s a different, more difficult story written by the stars for me then then endings are beginnings too ٣ That bodies may leave and return to that Which they belong but that somewhere someone on the ground will have left the porchlight on for us Salma Hussain (she/her) is a former lawyer who now writes fiction for children and adults. Her short stories and poems have appeared in filling Station, Line, Other Voices, The Humber Literary Review, Fiddlehead, and in the chapbook anthology, Homebound: Muslim Women Poetry Collection (Outburst Press). Her novel for kids and kids-at-heart, THE SECRET DIARY OF MONA HASAN was published by Penguin Random House in May 2022.