To compose a poem is to start fire. I agree. Now is the time
for furnaces, and only light should be seen. Provide warmth to unclothed bodies. To be human is to envision, dream about voices from the margins of one’s bed, where bodies are enjambed like a cathedral of firewood. If not combustion, then a verse on how to reclaim love. Yes, poetry, like bread, is for everyone. Unseen, your red ink shines as stars at noon. To write words that burn is arson, set one’s tongue on fire. ¹ italicized lines are from Jose Marti and Roque Dalton respectively.
Marc Perez is the author of the poetry chapbook, Borderlands (Anstruther Press, 2020). His work has appeared in decomp journal, CV2, PRISM international, Vallum, TAYO, Ricepaper, and is forthcoming in EVENT.