The Monk, An Initiation“A list of names on the bottom of the stele - from left to right…” —Nestorian Christian Stele, Xi’an By Kan Ren Jie
The Names, AlopenBy Kan Ren Jie
Yohannen, Yaolun
To see trees / shadowing / men fronds / twisting fronds / scarred scrawls / collection / beady names / a cell, a curl script staring: hewed stone / body / this body folded / trapping / accustomed vows / end quiet / shave / the hovering / robe / then quiet / then shattered / then / kneeling / then a cell, sticking / rattan provisions / 5-time kneeling / vespers / matins / twisted quiet. Isaac, Rijin
We do not know these names / a monk nameless / beads the chewed edges / a scroll / weathered scroll be bishop / be monk / named silence / wrung a ball / these bells / gauntness / flared bone / fleshed / meditation fleshed / the sand-dripped robes that cloaked / not exuberance / but lesser not quiet / true monk / like light / shaved meaning / John / nameless John / the cutting sun / taping / the stone / once testament / once sentinel / now mud-splayed now throat, gulping / now / severing skin Michael, Guangqin
Coughing / a man sputum / a man / blanked / sheet-quiet / hand-fronds palms / reaching to palms / reaching to the insistence / to praise. The true doctrine / immutable, unchangeable / cloudy with stars / burst flowers / empty, this vessel / a cell / the kneeling / melding, to bone. Nameless, Alopen
Some call him Abraham / this bone / of bone, flesh / of flesh. This missionary / this man / this cloak-dust / this falling / these charcoal-fires / soot-stars tearing holes / threads, a cloak / tethered kneeling / sparks / trees dancing quiet / tinged trembling / tinged holy / wrung praise / dust / parading names / dust-empty/ dust longing / dust, shifting dawn. Antiphon: To Damaged FrescoesDaqin Pagoda, Xi’an By Kan Ren Jie
Kan Ren Jie is a Singaporean writer currently based in Shanghai, China. His poems have recently been featured or are forthcoming in Sweet: A Literary Confection, Barzakh Magazine, Spittoon Monthly, and Voice and Verse Poetry Magazine.