On hating the Eve I didn't knowBy Gervanna Stephens
There were giants once according to the pastor,
large selves climbing towards clouds and sin with its serpent tongue licked into Eve’s ear and she ate of the fruit slurped juice from her fingers offered it a surrender to her first and he ate of the fruit fingers cupped delicately so as not to batter flesh offered selves against death grip a warm palm linking felled by taste and oblations brought down to size footstools to bear worship between the heavens between the smaller versions of themselves between who we once were between I’m sure the fruit was a mango golden and bursting ripe between before I go out of season sample me between hunger and want and simple curiosity. There were giants once according to the pastor, but I don’t think he knew the whole story. Gervanna Stephens is a Jamaican poet and proud Slytherin with congenital amputation living in Canada. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rhythm & Bones, Bone & Ink, Rose Quartz, Okay Donkey, 8 poems, TERSE, WusGood.black, Enclave and Anti-Heroin Chic. She hates public speaking, has two sisters who are way better writers than her, and thinks unicorns laugh when we say they aren’t real. Tweets @gravitystephens