Asian Boys Who Look Like SwansBy Olivia Van Nguyen
Because chink eyes look like the
Masquerades swans wear And conversation on the train Washes over waterproof hair Sea foam rolls behind anh trai The boy has skin like Beach shores rendered in acrylics Downward swooping rosebud nose That’s round like tumbled stone Nostrils like two black hạt hướng dương Point to me, then sweep away. Anh trai is sleek like graphite poems Trailing down the margins Of white college books. Olivia Van Nguyen (they/them) is a Vietnamese-Canadian writer from Northeast Calgary, AB. They are a student at the University of Calgary where they study English and Psychology. They were awarded the Kathleen and Russell Lane Award for their creative work in university. Van Nguyen is not a drag queen, but everyone says they should be, so they guess they just have that vibe. They can be found on instagram: @reeling_and_writhing