SSRI ASMRBy Jenkin Benson
pick a tongue and side and pick a tongue
and side and gentlegentlegentle come cover come close follow what touches what cries liplicker all of that too often total sense immensely so true held hum still lobe all the bad thoughts he has to eat alldonealldonealldone shhh appreciate it shhh trace lips temples so well so safe all static scratching tapping marked bone and gland you ornament cracked swollen adjustable compact light kiss a kiss a kiss a kiss a kiss dissolved fleshed plushed and plashed let’s embrace it murmurs please what better time shaking fake spills fast done littleswitches box of triggers slivering in no other and no other flicker oath droning a brush onto wax a snap adrenal sound hot bending blanketed within finger begs to break breath a shiverer shallower you’re counting it’s perfect can I have that? I need that. I need that. I need that. Last Lecture of 2021 (Wringing Out My Brain)
By Jenkin Benson
hmmm yes bordered
hmm a window so then to the hallway ahem click stuttering lines of snowslush click palimpsests hmmm under the mask ah yes unasked components a logic inventory of course of phonemes screenic hmmm click the way the text reflexes ahuh enjambed and fluxed yes dealt sleep myths heaving hmmm-ing down smelling of leeks click yes hybrid learning yes and click best three sentences best three paragraphs cursed keys per term mist and text hmmmm logging into click colony click chance it tab wound hmmmmmmmmm oh yes Jenkin Benson is a 1st year PhD student at the University of Notre Dame du Lac. He principally studies the creative interchange between Welsh and Irish modernists. He occasionally writes poetry. You can find his work in the Grinnell Review, New Note Poetry, and KEITH LLC.