CrestingBy Frances Boyle
Below, fields piece themselves
into monotony of flannel. Step- close-step over the clouds. Split season, split screen, muzzy and disoriented, you shake your head try to clear senses for the next break in the murk. Shape-shift memory: the feel of green beneath bare feet, coarseness of crabgrass, a clover flower’s spongy white tickle. High-kneed among tall tufts— or booted to wade through drifted snow, hard-crusted wind-polished, shapes like dunes the wind like the sea. Pinned silk flowers in winter, livid colours. Pansy’s cockeyed purple glower, velvet of petunias. Their reek remembered; no sweetness of real blooms, no dip of bee as it siphons deeper, or sings breezing over clover. Flowers and memory-travel, a moving ship and waving below. Crests hit you, the force knocks you to hands and knees, not for prayer but in mute-screaming fear. Panic slowly subsides, an eddy and a drone. To Absolve the Sky of Complicity in RainBy Frances Boyle
The television blares over their weak
efforts at conversation – once friends by circumstance, they now have little to say. A book was left out in the grass overnight, and the boy weeps at how the cover has swollen. Industrial fire burns, with a catwalk above. The shape of an animal – horse? gazelle? – indistinct in the fog. It’s not skywriting, but she reads her mother’s name in contrails against the winter-blue sky. Beets simmer, jostle gently in the pot, dye cooking water that deep red-purple. He talks with his hands, sweeping arcs delineating points, touching her wrist from time to time. The child in the yellow snowsuit is wary of Santa, shuffles close to her parents’ legs. As cars slow for the toll booth, vendors lean towards each window, offering air horns, twists of ground-nuts, teddy bears. Frances Boyle is the author of one poetry collection, Light-carved Passages (BuschekBooks). Her novella, Tower, is forthcoming from Fish Gotta Swim Editions in June, 2018, and a second book of poetry, This White Nest, is also forthcoming from Quattro Books in 2019. Her poems and short stories have been published throughout Canada and in the U.S. and have received a variety of awards. For more, see her website: