Horse in QuicksandBy Mark Laliberte
spent all night tickling
avatars, on a mission to unravel time Live life to its end!
Dying is a business masked by politeness put head to pillow
one night marries into next a horse in quicksand Ruin of a storefront
you find rich men attractive, but ask: at what cost? Where did today go?
Speed is also a pleasure to distract the soul engine of plenty
search the cloud for answers to life’s stormy questions syllabic outbreak
this/prob/lem/is/eve/ry/where haiku tests virus Mark Laliberte is an artist-writer with an MFA from University of Guelph. He has exhibited extensively in galleries across Canada and the USA, curates the online experimental comics site, and edits the hybrid art/lit mag CAROUSEL. Laliberte has had pageworks, poems and other print experiments appear in publications big and small, including Ink Brick, Lantern, Poetry, prairie fire, subTerrain and Vallum. Publications include 'BRICKBRICKBRICK' (BookThug, 2010) and 'asemanticasymmetry' (a riso-printed remixing of selected derek beaulieu's letraset works / Anstruther Press, 2016). Laliberte is a member of the collaborative writing entity, MA|DE: 2 new collaborative chapbooks were just released at the end of 2020, A Trip to the ZZOO (Collusion Books) and A Barely Concealed Design (Puddles of Sky). More info: +