I choose dogs playing the pinoBy Tasha Hefford
I’m in ur mind palace like
scumbag steve, staring at a ceiling where all I can see are my own eyes, ritual can carry, little bird by little bird. In some worlds you can even fall through walls, hit two doors to restart because holding is not the same as giving space, as moving through haters will say it’s fake— trust me, trust me. And there’s this phrase, “real life” it is’nt too new. So I eat too much, for sure I must be human heheBy Tasha Hefford
Greetings and blessings to my phone,
out of the sky at one-hundred-and-hotwheels speed, it’s a full moon at the Sandman hotel. A free-spirited woman makes a striking pose she is holding 1 long-stemmed mason jar, no yolo, no mama mia. Picture it like old software on a new device, deadspace makes up for everything, even a tail of dot-bomb ashes. Sometimes u gotta move like a rat and bug the walls. You know what I mean? I do, I do. Hell dominoBy Tasha Hefford
I’ve got the keys and i’ll
drive it like a building that knows it’s going to fall, heart like a horse the blinds are closed and the lights are off for a moment too long. Consider the taxidermist’s bobcat grin, stillness a deflated balloon in his tender on a glass eye, cold-cured skin stretched against one long sentence a mannered midnight, two paws raised by cheerleaders. You can be assured when you bring in your animal it is in good hands Tasha Hefford (she/they) is a 100% chill net surfer who lives and relies on the unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh nations. She is the editor of Discorder Magazine and you can read her in filling station, Prism International, ti-TCR and Vallum. Found online always at www.tashahefford.com and the 100% dragon science-based MMO (:(: XOXO