A Soft Music EmergesBy Connor Fisher
A profane trinity crept across the horizon.
A porcelain shepherd stood at my door. A tank, A house, a horse. A palm tree grew in my pocket. A young man Stood inside, knee-deep in a postcard. A pin Rests beneath his tongue. A doorknob proclaims the news: a single cattail is Your fuel for the coming winter. A white cat Prowls fence tops. A tiny unreal deer grazes this meadow. The Urban IncisionBy Connor Fisher
I was found in a field of overturned squirrels.
I erased my footprints with a wicker broom. I bypassed astral rejects to arrive in urban sprawl. The city was a storage facility scattered beneath clouds. A parking garage was dripping with streetcars. I buried the anonymous bureaucrat beneath a neon theme park. Clouds were erased from the windows of rampant skyscrapers. A new machine is progressing towards an imperfect copy. Connor Fisher is the author of A Renaissance with Eyelids (Schism Press, forthcoming 2024), The Isotope of I (Schism Press, 2021) and three poetry and hybrid chapbooks, including Speculative Geography (Greying Ghost Press, 2022). He has an MFA from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Ph.D. in Creative Writing and English from the University of Georgia. His writing has appeared in journals including Denver Quarterly, Random Sample Review, Tammy, Tiger Moth Review, and Clade Song. He currently lives and teaches in northern Mississippi.