Godzilla Doesn't Fight King GhidorahBy David Ly
for Tegan and Aiden
The wind howls like a dragon
with three hungry heads a crackle of golden veins ignites the sky each time he beats his wings but bravery burns from within you a steady blue flame against this monster and storm which will both eventually pass while you remain an unwavering king DemonsBy David Ly
for Anton and his monsters
I want to know which of I want to know
which of my demons which of my demons want to know which of my demons want to know which should run free should run free today today which of my demons should I want to know should run free today which of my demons should run free today which of my demons I want to know which will run and come back to me I Want to Believe in Pink HimalayanSalt LampsBy David Ly
You said you wanted nothing
to do with me—okay, that’s fair but here I am wondering how to keep your dragon tree alive once I read that a shady spot with little water would suffice, too much light browns the leaves, but maybe somehow the pink glow from my Himalayan salt lamp was too much, every evening for about two or three hours it’s been on as a ritual for the negative ions to cleanse the room’s energy when it’s filled with the memory of you saying witchcraft then grabbing my ass making me lose balance and knocking over the lamp onto the plant, snapping off two of its leaves that landed in the soil, still decomposing in the pot while the guilt of allowing myself to give up on you never appears to die no matter how long I keep the salt lamp on Photo by Erin Flegg Photography
David Ly is the author of the chapbook Stubble Burn (2018) and the poetry collection Mythical Man (2020). His poetry has also appeared in PRISM international, carte blanche, The Maynard, Pulp Literature, The /tƐmz/ Review, and others. David has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and he has been long- and short-listed for the Thomas Morton Memorial Prize in Literary Excellence and the Magpie Award for Poetry, respectively. He is the Poetry Editor of This Magazine, and he is part of the Editorial Collective of Anstruther Press. Twitter: @dlylyly.