Bird in FlightBy Bronwyn Averett
Your hand would
or could not tolerate this level of deception Fingers bruise over the playing field Truth is erected at the expense of tranquility All interruptions fade Crack the winding whip-smart wit! You never saw it throbbing and pale A bird is not a knife A joke is not a weapon Little idols plunge into the ground gods rain down logic takes root Weed out the itching magic! the woolful witchcraft Seek out light and flint and blood Make your babies fare better against the sun’s heat sizzle, beat flinch, teach Remain taut Turn to your ancestors with love As you would or could your children Never let them see you coming The bird in flight the joke will land Eventually Bronwyn Averett is a writer, editor, and translator living in Montreal. She holds a PhD in French and has written about books for publications such as the Montreal Review of Books, Electric Literature, and Rain Taxi. You can find her most recent translation, excerpts from Anne-Marie Desmeules' Le tendon et l'os, at