Leaves fallingBy L. Acadia
After months molding, lethargic
Oversummering in air-conditioning, Steamed in by Taipei basin heat-bulb, ultra-violet index, stultification Viewed through barred windows’ dripping condensation, School starts swirl of crisp clarity brushing in energy Silver grass along the rivers tinging crimson Golden rain tree blossoms graduating from yellow to pink, But the leaves falling into my upturned mien are midterms. RIP Russell's turkeyBy L. Acadia
A robot ‘manned’ the guillotine atop a windy ridge;
It was sharp. Only primate brains accurately Decode what such pronouns modify: Abduction is one inferential Logic even in vitro CRISPRed Generation 01 programmers Cannot code. When Musk sics genocidal AI (I won’t call them ‘resource managers’) Strategy won’t outmaneuver them Compelling rhetoric will be moot Weapons won’t scratch their carapaces Choose chaos. L. Acadia is a lit professor at National Taiwan University and member of the Taipei Poetry Collective, with poetry in New Orleans Review, Strange Horizons, trampset, and elsewhere. Connect on Twitter and Instagram @acadialogue